Thứ Tư, 11 tháng 1, 2012

The specific content of Vietnam knowledge

Previous posts have mentioned. Vietnam knowledge has a lot of categories relate to contents, the categories will be developed over time. And this page is extremely helpful, as it means the article with the knowledge of great help for tourists to Vietnam. 
The first content
The site referrer to Vietnam airlines. In an overall concept, this is a broad concept which includes airlines of Vietnam and international airlines based in Vietnam. You can read more details in following contents

Vietnam airlines
Vietnam Airlines flight

The second content
Vietnam visa on arrival is an important content in specific knowledge of Vietnam. This is one of the extremely popular content known as Vietnam visa application is a mandatory procedure for all visitors arrive Vietnam on the rule. You can read more details at visa content based on my instruction

Vietnam visa
Vietnam visa seal
The third is Vietnam train

The trains in Vietnam appeared long time ago. However, the mention of this type, it is one of the quite unique in this country. The following guide is very interesting for you to get tickets for this exciting journey.

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